5 Proven Marketing Tips That Attract More Senior Clients

Want to attract more senior clients to your business? Here are 5 proven marketing tips to help you effectively draw them to your senior service business.
It can be daunting to navigate all the marketing opportunities available today to small businesses who are trying to reach an older demographic. But with precious budget resources stretched to the limit, you need a plan that consistently generates qualified leads.
Here are five recommended ways to accomplish that goal.

Do Your Research
When forming a marketing strategy, it’s never a one-size-fits-all for every business or the areas they service. So, creating an effective marketing strategy always begins with doing quality research. Finding which resources provide the highest return on investment is an ongoing challenge.
In a recent Semrush.com blog post, “14 Tips for Marketing to Seniors in 2024”, they suggest “Rather than making assumptions about older adults, look at what the data tells you..and build your strategy accordingly.”
Thanks to the easy access to information now on the Internet, you can find everything you need through free online software tools.
For instance, you can do a simple Google search or use Quora to search for senior-related topics. Another great tool is Semrush’s One2Target Tool to gather data on your local competitors or related businesses. Is there an underserved customer base you haven’t thought of? Google Ad Key Word research is important to ensure you use the highest keyword conversions that connect you with seniors trying to find services and products.
Always be sure to pull data directly related to the area you’re serving to be sure it’s relevant to the customers you want to draw.

Take an Omnichannel Approach
Though the use of digital products has steadily increased among the senior population in recent years, not everyone is comfortable with it. That’s why one of the biggest marketing tips include using an “Omnichannel” or multi-source marketing approach for this demographic can help.
Oracle.com describes “omnichannel” as a “business strategy that aims to provide a seamless shopping experience across all channels, including store, mobile, and online.” In the case of a service, that might mean using more traditional marketing sources (local outreach, print advertising, local directories, etc.) as part of your overall plan.
For instance, many seniors use the Internet to research a service or product before they purchase. Using both digital and traditional marketing sources in your overall plan, you increase the opportunities for your ideal client to find and connect with you.
That may mean adding local advertising where your ideal client physically shops, as well as a digital presence online via a website and social media.

Stay Active on Social Media
While younger demographics may be more active on social media platforms like YouTube, Twitter, or TikTok, research has consistently shown that Facebook is one of the most used platforms (12.9%) by seniors.

You should incorporate a consistent presence and offer real value to be effective. This doesn’t mean you need to post daily but make your posts meaningful and helpful. Also, avoid using it just to sell. It should be where potential customers can get to know you and your business while benefiting from free resources and educational information related directly to their needs.
But Facebook isn’t the only social media opportunity for you to get noticed within your community. What might surprise you is that Pinterest is now just as popular in this demographic. It slightly edged above Facebook this year with 13% of its users being 55 or older.

Businesses are increasingly using it to promote blogs, post ads, and offer resources to potential clients. I’ve successfully used it in my businesses for over 2 years and I am very pleased with the results.
In case you’re curious, X/Twitter, Instagram, and Linkedin were significantly less effective in this demographic.
2024 Instagram demographics data

Create Value for Your Clients Through Content
As I’ve already mentioned, one way for potential clients to find and get to know you is by offering valuable free content tailored toward senior’s unique lifestyle interests. You can do this via forums like a website blog, offering a downloadable resource guide, checklists, or a simple e-book on an important topic like how to prepare for a downsizing move.
Don’t consider yourself creative? Just use one of Canva’s many ready-made templates for everything from Facebook ads, Pinterest pins, e-books and so much more. They are easy to customize and allow you to use professional advertising tools for free.
You don’t need to overcomplicate it. Just make it simple, clear, and accessible.

Create a Friendlier Website User Experience
Speaking of simpler, have you taken a recent refreshed look at your business website? Is it user-friendly for your senior demographic to navigate? Semrush’s article and other experts recommend that you avoid using unfamiliar icons that younger demographics use that a senior might not relate to. Don’t use pop-ups or auto-play video settings that might be distracting or intimidating to a person who may be computer-wary.
Instead, a big marketing tip is to provide resources and information of interest where the reader can easily find them. Make any calls to action large and clear, and potential clients ways to contact you the “old fashioned way” (in person or via phone), instead of digital schedulers.
Another way to make your messaging easier is to use more pictures that reflect your ideal client’s age group and lifestyle. Use less text, but make every word count by being clear about what you offer. What’s the biggest pain point or problem your client experiences that your service or product solves?
Closing Thoughts
When we take the time to get better at dialing in our marketing strategy while meeting the needs of our customers, we save ourselves time, physical energy, and frustration in the future.
Time is a precious commodity. Small business owners wear a lot of hats to make their businesses a success. Consistently drawing the right customer through targeted marketing strategies is essential to making the most of your time with clients while your business grows.

P.S. Interested in learning more about marketing your senior downsizing business to seniors? Check out my Marketing and Branding Your Business video course in The Downsizing Institute course catalog.