Want to Fast-Track Your Business Start-up – Get the Right “Guide”!

Can having the right “Guide” help you fast-track your business start-up?
If you ask a small business owner what was at the top of their “I’d have done it differently” list when they started their business, many would say they wished they’d had more guidance on the tools, resources, and knowledge they needed before they jumped into the fray.
Maybe you can relate and have been holding off on starting a business because you don’t feel you’re ready.
I get it.
That’s where I was in 2008 when I was standing on the precipice trying to decide whether to start my own home organizing and senior downsizing business, Your Organizing Answer, in the middle of the worst economic disasters in decades.

Are you second-guessing yourself?
I had plenty of those squirrely stomach moments and “What if I fail?” thoughts.
But, I can tell you with total honesty that I’ve never looked back on that first decision to move forward with any regrets, except for one.
And that was, that I had to figure it all out on my own.
I didn’t want it that way. It was only because what I needed didn’t exist at the time.
I took the only industry courses that were available at the time, but it frustrated me because their information only gave me pieces of the puzzle, not how to put it all together.
Their programs lacked detail and didn’t provide a clear, step-by-step format that could have saved me considerable time and money, not to mention getting my business up and running quickly.
“It’s great to have a vision or big goal that drives and motivates us. It gives you a direction for your business and personal life. But when it comes to sitting down and doing the work, continuing to focus on a vision or goal can become a problem.” says Omer Khan in his article on “7 Things Entrepreneurs Can Do to Stop Feeling Overwhelmed”.
What I really needed then was a “guide”.
Someone I could trust to partner my mission with, who had walked the walk, weathered the ups and downs, run the race, and come out the other end with a healthy, thriving business.
Maybe you can relate?
Chances are, you also need a clearer path to your business start-up process that gives you detailed, industry-specific training, tools, resources, and guidance to ensure you’re creating the right foundation for your business.
It was because I didn’t have that detailed “guide” when I started my personal entrepreneurial journey that I made it my mission to create one for you.
A guide that will enable you to go from “Can I do this?” to “I’ve GOT this!”.

The Senior Downsizing Specialist Training fast-tracks your business start-up by using all the important details and processes I had to spend years researching, testing, and implementing on my own.
Why this is different
How is this program different from others? It doesn’t just cover a broad overview of a downsizing business start-up, it covers all of it!
It includes everything you’ll need, step-by-step, to set your business up just like a pro, so you can get out there and start serving your clients and earning income more quickly as an expert.
Step-by-step, I walk you through the start-up process, including what you need to operate from a home office, how to market and brand your business to reflect your personality and vision, how to handle the emotional aspects your clients experience during a transition, as well as give you the A to Z of downsizing processes, strategies, and tools to prepare you for your first client, Day One.
A “Game-Changer”!
How would it impact or improve your life to save a substantial amount of time, stress, and money by not having to do it all on your own, as I did?
One of my students said it perfectly. “This program has been a real game-changer!”
Maybe it’s time to finally prove to yourself that you, too, have the chops to create something that’s bigger than anything you’ve attempted in your lifetime?

But, sometimes the first step is the hardest, so if you need to make that step a small one, try my Introduction to Senior Downsizing as a Business course or Business Start-Up Essentials and learn more about what makes these courses so unique!
I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised at how much easier starting your business can be when you have the right “guide” in your corner!
The rest, my friend, is up to you!