Own Your Own Business: What’s Keeping You From Taking the First Step?

At one time or another, have you wondered what it would be like to own your own business. Here’s what I’ve come to know about entrepreneurs.
It may happen sooner than later for some, but every entrepreneur I’ve ever met knows exactly the moment in their life when they instinctively knew they were meant to create and operate their own dream business, even if they didn’t know exactly what business that was initially.
I remember talking to my Dad about it for years while loyally plodding forward in my corporate career. His favorite question was “What would you love to do if money were no object?”.
“Own my own business!” I’d say without hesitation. That was 20 years ago. I had no way of knowing just how crazy (but good) a ride it would be getting to that goal.
At that point in my life, I had already been marketing and managing new home developments throughout Southern California and Washington state for 20 years. I enjoyed it but was tired of working myself to death 7 days a week.
I was frustrated with the inevitable limitations that came when you’re building someone else’s dream.
In addition, some of my bosses didn’t share my values. Over time, it was getting harder and harder to contribute to something that didn’t consistently mirror the things that meant the most to me. Integrity. Compassion. Uncompromising service.
As I sat there sharing my dreams with my Dad each Sunday, the seed of discontentment grew.
I had a lot of great skills and business experience to draw from. I was hard working, creative and a problem solver . So, why was I hesitating making that leap of faith to something I knew I would be good at, as well as WAY more in line with who I was as a person?

You may have also experienced this phenomenon! It’s called the dreaded “But, How…” mind disease and it’s a primary reason many would-be entrepreneurs never make it to the starting line.
Cleverism.com reports, “One of the most basic fears in everyone’s psychological makeup is the fear of the unknown”.
“But how do I pay the bills? How do I leave an industry that I’ve been in for most of my life? How do I know what type of business is right for my goals and skill set?”
Those questions are usually followed with feedback from the “But, How..” cousins, What and Why.
“Why would I risk my financial security to go out on my own? What if I’m too old to start a business? What would my ________________fill in the blank (family, spouse, colleagues, friends or pet) think?” And that’s just to name a few of the many questions that plagued me.
Here’s the part where I DON’T tell you that I listened to my brave, adventurous and forward thinking inner voice and made the leap of faith all on my own.
Because I didn’t.
No, unfortunately, that choice was uniquely decided FOR me in the form of the great 2008 Recession where I learned this valuable, but painful lesson: Turns out you CAN lose it all even when you think you were playing it safe.

The point is this. If you think you’re too scared to take that first step because fear is stalling you in an old life pattern, understand that it won’t keep you from knowing at your deepest level that you need change to grow.
Stuff will just continue to ramp up in your life to remind you, “it’s time”. Trust me, the longer you leave your destiny untended, the more uncomfortable it will become to stay in status quo.
Look, we all have a mission here in life. Every season has a beginning and an end, and every life has a multitude of seasons. It’s how we grow. Resisting change only lengthens the pain of transition from one to the next. We’re all meant to take what we’ve learned in each season and create something greater from it.
What’s most important is to listen to your core and focus on the things you most want in your life. Just don’t let those choices be determined by fear. Welcome only the things that will bring you more in alignment with who you are, what you represent and what you are meant to give back to the world. You’ll know what that is when you’re in the moment and not a second earlier.
The season of change is here for you again, even if it’s in a most unattractive package.
The global pandemic is a wake-up call to all of us that life is shifting to a new space. I have had such a strong sense of Déjà vu in the past weeks watching COVID19 decimate our sense of safety, our health, our livelihoods and our habits, but in the long term, I also know it doesn’t have to mean it’s for the worst.
To me, COVID19 is just another version of what I experienced in 2008. Industries will collapse, then re-group, people will lose their jobs, some will be re-hired, others won’t. The lives that have been lost will never be regained, but they will never be forgotten either. Our world will be forever changed.
So, for those of you who have been thinking seriously about owning your own business, opportunity has just knocked at your door.

There are more resources, training opportunities, low-cost loans, and other financial resources available in the US today than ever before. For once, the government is anxious to actively encourage small businesses to get creative, have heart, and dive back in.
COVID-19 will ultimately resolve itself, hopefully soon. But a door has been opened now for those who are ready to accept the challenge of business ownership and allow their dream to finally come out into the light.
Senior downsizing changed my life that way twelve years ago, and I’m a better human being and soul for it.
The same passion that led me to knowing it was the right dream business for me is leading me to create this unique training program for you now, because I know it’s not just a job you are looking for…you’re looking for a true life transformation.
Whether senior downsizing is the right business for you or not, there has never been a better time to jump in and make it happen.
Just make sure that whatever type of business you choose is about supporting who you are as a person, the values you represent, and that it has the potential to help you make the mark on this world you know you’re here to provide.
You’re the only one that make the decision to change your life. Make it count!
If you think you’re ready to find out more about what it would take to own your own senior downsizing business, check out my Is This Right for You page.