Entrepreneurial Tips

Organizing & Downsizing: The Perfect Business Duo – Take Two

What makes a great business succeed?  Is it the type of services a business provides?  Is it the people bringing that service to the customer? These are the questions that today’s entrepreneurs tackle every day, especially in the topsy-turvy economic world we’ve experienced in the past few years.  But there will always be businesses that…

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The Top 4 Budget Mistakes You Should Avoid

The Top 4 Budget Mistakes You Should Avoid No matter how much you love owning your own business, there’s usually one task that an owner cringes over. Creating and maintaining a budget. We know we need a consistent way to track our business costs and creating a budget is an essential way to do that.…

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6 Reasons Why a Downsizing Senior Struggles with Decisions

Whether you’re a seasoned downsizing pro, Realtor, home organizer, just started in the senior service field, or even an adult child helping a parent during a downsizing move, chances are one of the first challenges you’ll have to overcome is working with a client or family member who struggles with making decisions. Downsizing, in general,…

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8 Ways to Simplify Your Marketing Using Canva

Ready to simplify your marketing?  If you’ve been struggling to find effective ways to attract customers to your business, listen up! Even though creating content for today’s digital advertising sources, like social media, can feel overwhelming, business owners now have more options than ever before.   I’d like to share one of my favorite go-to…

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5 Game-Changing Service Ideas to Grow Your Business

Do you struggle with creative service ideas for your business? It may be time to do a service audit to find new opportunities that not only support and enhance your client’s experience but provide new income opportunities as well. Business trends change over time. If your services aren’t shifting with the changing needs of your…

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5 Essentials That Can Help You Protect Your Business

If you own or are planning to start your own business, there are a lot of daily details to manage. While it’s not the “fun” side of owning a business, making sure your business is protected is one of the most critical aspects for long-term success and growth. It’s hard to know what type of…

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6 Free or Low-Cost Software Tools That Save You Time and Money

Owning your own small business means you’re often wearing a lot of hats. From serving your customers to marketing your business, it can get overwhelming pretty quickly. That’s why it’s critical to actively identify ways you can save time and automate using some of the many software “apps” available today. The best part? Many are…

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The Gift of Active Listening

Have you noticed how many people you’ve been talking to lately that don’t seem to be actively engaged in listening to what you have to say? You see it everywhere. People are distracted in every social setting, even checking their phones for the latest social media post or taking a call when they’re sharing a…

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4 Ways to Shift from Busy to Productive

As a business owner, would you consider yourself productive or just busy? It seems like time is flying by at warp speed these days and I often catch myself working harder instead of smarter. Can you relate? Unfortunately, it’s only gotten worse as I get older. I’m getting less and less done than I’m used…

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