Posts Tagged ‘Senior Downsizing’

5 Ways to Refresh Your Space While Downsizing

Preparing to downsize into a new home can be overwhelming, but one of the biggest benefits you receive in the process is the opportunity to refresh your space. Over the years we accrue stuff, and with each purchase, a story to remember. But, it could be years since you took a hard look at your…

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The Silver Economy: Its Effects on Your Future Success

If you’re considering starting a senior-related service or already providing services to seniors, your timing is impeccable. Why? Seniors are front and center today driving new business opportunities in what’s been dubbed the “Silver Economy” or “Senior Market”. What is a Silver Economy? So, what is a “Silver Economy”? Wikipedia describes it as “the system…

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Is Relocation Stress Syndrome Real?

Relocation Stress Syndrome (RSS), also known as “transfer trauma”, is a medical or nursing condition that describes older adults who are experiencing a severe emotional response to some type of stressful transition.  It’s frequently seen in situations like a downsizing move. But, it can show up in other types of transition where there’s an abrupt…

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Why Your Kids Don’t Want Your Stuff

After over a decade of providing downsizing and transition coaching services to seniors and their families, I’ve noticed one of the biggest challenges that tends to frustrate them the most is what to do with the things they can’t take with them to their new home. Most automatically assume that their adult children will want…

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Why a Downsizing Move is Unlike Any Other

By Deborah Moyer Who loves moving?!  Oh, come on!  You know you LOVE having to wrangle a thousand little details like deciding what will fit in your new home, packing until your back breaks, trying to find a decent mover that won’t destroy your favorite things and my personal favorite, that mind numbing decision-making exercise…

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